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Adel M. Agina

Adel M. Agina



In 1991, Adel completed his BSc in Computer Science, Tripoli University/Libya. In 2003, he obtained his MSc in Telematics Education (Twente University, The Netherlands). In 2005 he started another MSc in Communication Studies (Twente University, The Netherlands). In 2007, he moved to be a PhD candidate in Technical and Professional Communication (Twente University). In 2014, he started another PhD in Human-Media-Interaction (Twente University). Adel focuses on the effect of media on young Children's Behavioural Development (CBD). Currently, he involved in multidisciplinary projects such as using AURA science and RFID (Radio Frequencies Identification) towards understanding the effect of media on children.


Abstract : The Effect of Media on Childhood Disorders