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Adel M. Agina

Adel M. Agina


Title: The Effect of Media on Childhood Disorders


Biography: Adel M. Agina


People are always looking for new ways to educate their children and believe that if children are having fun, they learn better (Agina and Min, 2003). However, children's play is a sharpen double edge sword given that children do not only feel, but also ‘taste’ the arousal especially when they use media (Agina and Kommers 2008). Despite the negative effect of playing violent games, violent arousal has positive effect on children’s development especially self-regulation and thinking aloud (Agina and Robert, 2012). Early Childhood Disorders (ECD), which is the outcome of the daily activites the children enage with, has drastically affected by the media's daily use. Media may be negatively used to increase ECD even at schools as it may be positively used to decrease ECD even at home. This subject remains under significant challenge so far given the fact that ECD may increase or decrease children's self-regulation and thinking aloud, which are the main key elements that controls ECD. Towards better understanding on how can ECD be defined and treated, not only the interdisciplinary but also the mutlidisciplinary researches, through engaging different branches of sciences, are highly needed nowadays (e.g., Agina, 2014; Agina, Kommers & Heylen, 2015). Remrkably, one of the most valuable research that the literature still lacks so far is embedding the AURA science and the technology of RFID (Radio Frequency IDentification) towards studying ECD. This is besides the other sciences especially Cognitive and Metacognitive, Educational Psychology, Educational Technology, Human-Media-Interaction, Artificial Intelligent, and so on are also embedded.