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Stephanie Cacioppo

Stephanie Cacioppo

Assistant Professor


Stephanie Cacioppo has received her PhD in 2004 from the University Medical School of Geneva & University of Savoy and Postdoctoral studies from Dartmouth College and UC Santa Barbara. She is an Assistant Professor in the Biological Science Division and the Director of the High Performance Electrical Neuroimaging Laboratory at the University of Chicago. She has published more than 80 papers in reputed peer-reviewed journals and has been serving as an Editorial Board Member of repute. She has received several awards including the APS Fellowship (2014), the APS Rising Star nomination (2011), the Annual ESSM Award of Excellence (2011), the Tom Slick Award from the Mind Science Foundation (2010) and the Geneva University Maurice Chalumeau Award (2007).


Abstract : Dynamic spatiotemporal brain analyses of automatic socio-cognitive processes of the healthy and disordered brain: Empirical evidence from the Chicago Electrical NeuroImaging Analytics (CENA).