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Hesham A. El-Beshbishy

Hesham A. El-Beshbishy



Prof. Hesham A. El-Beshbishy has got his PhD in 2001 in the field of Medical Biochemistry and Molecular Biology from Manchester University, UK. He works in the Center for Genetics and Inherited Diseases- Taibah University- Madinah- Saudi Arabia. He also is a Prof. in faculty of Pharmacy- Alazhar University- Cairo- Egypt. In the past, he was the supervisor of the Medical Laboratories Technology Dept., faculty of Applied Medical Sciences- Taibah University- Saudi Arabia. He has published more than 48 papers in reputed journals and has been serving as an editorial board member of several international journals


Abstract : Targeting Synaptic Mitochondria and Mitochondrial Biogenesis for Treatment of Psychiatric Disorders in Rat Brains