Dr. Mukesh Singh Sikarwar
Senior lecturer in Faculty of Pharmacy
AIMST University
Dr. Mukesh Singh Sikarwar is currently working as Senior lecturer in Faculty of Pharmacy, AIMST University, Malaysia. He has served as organizing secretory in first Falling Walls Lab Malaysia 2016 hosted at AIMST University on 20 Aug 2016. Recently he was invited as Keynote speaker and Co- Chair 2nd Global Summit on Herbals & Natural Remedies October 17-19, 2016 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. He was invited as plenary speaker at University of West Indies and participation was fully sponsored by organizers. Dr. Sikarwar selected as finalist of Falling Walls young innovator of the year 2015 at Berlin, Germany, and participation was fully sponsored by falling walls foundation Germany and its partners. He was selected to present research in Innovation challenge at Yayasan Inovasi Malaysia, MOSTI. He has developed MOOC course titled "Breadfruit nutritional and medicinal values"
Research Interest
Herbal antioxidants, antidiabetics and antihyperlipidemics, novel drug delivery in herbal drugs, formulation and evaluation of herbal drugs and food safety