Simona Trifu
University of Bucharest, Romania
Title: Loneliness and daydreaming, construction of an adolescence
Biography: Simona Trifu
Motivation: The ability of self-organization and decision-making in life provides the control, the self-control and self-confidence. In assuming the tutor role, one must accomplish the maternalization and paternalization functions, but also of ensuring the accomplishment of maternal and paternal roles. To determine the creative abilities or the systematized delirium as a solution for the failure settlement in the adaptation to socio-cultural environment felt traumatic.
Objectives: The objectives of the study were psychological assessment of the current profile and psychical personality structure to understand the functioning patterns and testing the psychic capacity and the limits between reality and imagination, ensuring the success in the labor of therapeutic process, having a starting prognosis.
Hypothesis: In the case of patient T, the difficulties she face can be caused by the depression onset or possibly by the adaptation disorder with anxiety on a pattern of dysfunctional attachment.
Instruments: Anamnesis, clinical interview, drawing the life map, clinical scales were used to assess the patient. The combined application of PANSS scale aims at leading to a better differential diagnosis between the depressive colors versus the onset of a major psychic disorder. The complex investigation of personality also implied the administration of a Lusher projective test, with the tree test, face test, and family test.
Results: The case study highlighted the fissure of the ego that is immature and the existence of mental non-development, to which family, social and environmental factors contributed negatively. In this adolescence period, the patient tries to lean on the defense mechanisms that fail, having a deficient psycho affective structure since primitive childhood.
Conclusions: This case study aims at connecting the heredity data, the structuring in psycho-affective development from the period of primitive evolution phases of early childhood, in psychic health or in the etiology of a possible personality disharmony.