Jesus Garcia-MartÃnez
University of Seville, Spain
Title: Stigma and victimization: similarities in psychological processes between victims of social violence and psychotic persons
Biography: Jesus Garcia-MartÃnez
Victims of social violence are characterized by a set of symptoms (low self-esteem, anxiety, in some case post-traumatic manifestations) and too by a set of narrative construction processes (absence of empowerment, fragmentation, low coherence). Therapy is usually oriented to de-construe this kind of discourse and making meaning about his/her skills and capacities in order to get a more personal and empowered narrative. Victimization narratives usually too incorporate a lot of meanings from social forms of control (minus-valuation, believes about the other’s adequacy and a lack of personal sense). This kind of narratives is found too in persons who suffer from psychotic disorders, including when they are in a no-symptomatic or acute phase. Stigma (the self-believe about the own incompetence) is incorporated in the personal narrative in a similar way to victimization process. In this paper, two clinical vignettes are presented to describe the similarities between the two cases and to illustrate similar therapeutic processes to empower both kinds of clients