Call for Abstract

4th Euro-Global Conference on Psychiatrist and Forensic Psychology, will be organized around the theme “Achieving mental wellness by understanding human mind through Psychiatric approaches”

Psychiatrists and Forensic Psychology 2016 is comprised of 18 tracks and 80 sessions designed to offer comprehensive sessions that address current issues in Psychiatrists and Forensic Psychology 2016.

Submit your abstract to any of the mentioned tracks. All related abstracts are accepted.

Register now for the conference by choosing an appropriate package suitable to you.

Dissociative disorder is a mental health condition which alters a person's sense of reality. It is characterized by a disconnection between thoughts, consciousness and identity. According to recent survey 2% of people experience dissociative disorders, whereas women are more likely to be diagnosed then men. The symptoms of a dissociative disorder usually first develop as a response to a traumatic event, such as abuse or stressful situations. The goal of this session is to understand the manifestation, prognosis, treatment and diagnosis of various types of dissociative disorders. Treatment for dissociative disorders often involves psychotherapy and medication. There are three main types of dissociative disorders defined in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders; they are Dissociative Amnesia, Depersonalization disorder and Dissociative identity disorder. Multiple, Borderline and Paranoid Personality Disorder and three major types of Dissociative identity disorder which we will be focusing on in our conference.

  • Track 1-1Depression
  • Track 1-2Generalized anxiety disorder
  • Track 1-3Obsessive compulsive disorder
  • Track 1-4Panic disorder

Mental disorders diagnosed in children are mainly divided into two categories: childhood disorders and learning disorders. They are diagnosed when the child is of school-age, some adults may also relate to some of the symptoms of these disorders. The most common developmental disorder is mental retardation. As per the CDC report, more than one out of every 100 school children in the United States has some form of mental retardation. The second most common developmental disorder is cerebral palsy, followed by autism spectrum disorders. Our conference will address all areas pertinent to various childhood disorders including Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder, Attachment Disorder, Autism Spectrum Disorder and Mood Dysregulation Disorder. According to a recent study about 7 percent of kids worldwide have ADHD. As per the U.S. Surgeon General, about 20% of American children suffer from a diagnosable mental illness during a given year. Further, nearly 5 million American children and adolescents suffer from a serious mental illness.

  • Track 2-1Adult attention deficit/Hyperactivity disorder
  • Track 2-2Autism
  • Track 2-3Attachment disorder
  • Track 2-4Mood dysregulation disorder
  • Track 2-5Mental retardation

Adolescence is hard time for a child, all the psychological and physical changes occur during this teen age. It is refer to as transitional period in life of an individual. In this session we will have a talk on physical and hormonal changes like negative attitudes, pressures from peers, drug and alcohol abuse, depression in adolescence, puberty changes, issues of sexuality, impact of substance abuse on child, bullying and aggression, impact of culture on adolescent learning, self-harm and suicidal behavior, social life of adolescent, adolescent psychosis, adolescent parental relationship. 

  • Track 3-1Self-esteem
  • Track 3-2Depression
  • Track 3-3Eating disorders
  • Track 3-4Anxiety
  • Track 3-5Bullying
  • Track 3-6Sex and drugs

Psychiatric mental health nursing is a specialty within nursing. Psychiatric mental health registered nurses work with individuals, families, groups, and communities, assessing their mental health needs. The PMHN develops a nursing diagnosis and plan of care, implements the nursing process, and evaluates it for effectiveness. The practice of the psychiatric-mental health nurse (PMHN) as a Clinical Nurse Specialist or Nurse Practitioner is considered an advanced specialty in nursing          

  • Track 4-1Adult nursing
  • Track 4-2Art therapist
  • Track 4-3Child psychotherapist
  • Track 4-4Learning disability nursing
  • Track 4-5Occupational therapist
  • Track 4-6Paediatric nursing
  • Track 4-7Paramedical nursing
  • Track 4-8Social worker

Clinical psychology is an integration of the science, theory and clinical knowledge for the purpose of understanding, preventing, and relieving psychologically-based distress or dysfunction and to promote subjective and behavioural well-being and personal development. Clinical Psychology can be applied in various fields such as, Personality Psychology, Developmental Psychology, Social Psychology, History of Psychology, Psychology Research Methods, Psychotherapy. Clinical psychology is a broad branch of psychology that focuses on diagnosing and treating mental, emotional, and behavioral disorders. Some of the more common disorders that might be treated include learning disabilities, substance abuse, depression, anxiety, and eating disorders.

  • Track 5-1Developmental psychology
  • Track 5-2Cognitive psychology
  • Track 5-3Personality psychology
  • Track 5-4History of psychology
  • Track 5-5Social psychology
  • Track 5-6Psychology research methods
  • Track 5-7Psychotherapy 

Addiction or Addictive disorders have a huge impact on individuals and society through the direct adverse effects of drugs and functional consequences of altered neuroplasticity in the brain which causes loss of productivity. The effect of addiction includes impaired control over substances, preoccupation with substance, continued use despite consequences and denial. The potential addictions include behavioral and cyber addiction, drug addiction, alcohol addiction, substance abuse and gambling. Recently, only substance addictions and gambling addiction are recognized by the DSM-5. According to the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration's National Survey on Drug Use and Health, an estimated 22.3 million Americans ages 12 and older suffered from a substance abuse problem in 2007 about 15.5 million of whom abused alcohol alone, and 3.7 million abused other illicit drugs. The goal of this session is to understand various aspects of addiction and its treatment and rehabilitation.

  • Track 6-1Behavioral and cyber addiction
  • Track 6-2Drug addiction
  • Track 6-3Alcoholism and substance abuse
  • Track 6-4Addiction treatment and rehabilitation

Bipolar disorder is also known as manic-depressive illness that causes unusual shifts in mood, energy, and the ability to carry out day-to-day tasks. The symptoms of bipolar disorder are severe. Bipolar disorder symptoms can result in damaged relationships and even suicide. Bipolar disorder can be treated; people with this illness can lead full productive lives. At least half of all cases start before age 25. People with bipolar disorder experience unusually intense emotional states that occur in distinct periods called mood episodes. Every mood episode represents a drastic change from a person's usual mood and behavior. Overly joyful or overexcited state is called a manic episode; an extremely sad or hopeless state is called a depressive episode. The goal of this session is to understand the manifestation, prognosis, treatment and diagnosis of various aspects of bipolar disorders like imaging and genetics of bipolar disorder.

  • Track 7-1Advanced treatment in bipolar disoders
  • Track 7-2Imaging of bipolar disorder
  • Track 7-3Genetics of bipolar disorder
  • Track 7-4Manic and depressive episodes

Personality refers to a distinctive set of traits and patterns that make up our character. How we perceive the world, our thoughts, feelings are all part of our personality. Person with healthy personalities are able to cope with normal stresses and have no trouble forming relationships with family and friends. Those who struggle with a personality disorder have great difficulty dealing with other people. A deeply ingrained, perceiving, inflexible pattern of relating, and thinking serious enough to cause distress or impaired functioning is a personality disorder. Personality disorders are diagnosed in about 40-60% of psychiatric patients. Our conference will address all areas pertinent to various childhood disorders including Paranoid personality disorder, Antisocial personality disorder, Borderline personality disorder and Multiple personality disorder.

  • Track 8-1Paranoid personality disorder
  • Track 8-2Borderline personality disorder
  • Track 8-3Multiple personality disorder
  • Track 8-4Antisocial personality disorder

Schizophrenia is a serious mental illness which interferes with a person’s ability to think clearly, make decisions, and manage emotions. It is a long-term medical illness; it affects about 1% of Americans. Schizophrenia can occur at any age, but the average age of onset tends to be in the late teens to the early 20s for men, late 20s to early 30s for women.  It is uncommon for schizophrenia to be diagnosed in a person younger than 12 or older than 40. Schizophrenia isn't a split personality or multiple personality. Symptoms may include: Delusions, Hallucinations, Disorganized thinking, Negative symptoms are sometimes confused with clinical depression


  • Track 9-1Onset of schizophrenia
  • Track 9-2Visual and auditory hallucinations
  • Track 9-3Schizophrenia and brain systems
  • Track 9-4Genetics of schizophrenia

Deep brain stimulation involves implanting electrodes or brain pacemaker within areas of brain. These electrodes produce electrical impulses that regulate abnormal impulses. DBS is an interface between neurology and psychiatry. Deep brain stimulation is also being studied as a treatment for epilepsy, cluster headaches, Tourette syndrome, chronic pain and major depression. Deep brain stimulation (DBS) is one of the most invasive neuromodulation techniques available. Our conference will address all areas related to Psychosurgery, neuro feedback mechanism and side effects of DBS.

  • Track 10-1Psychosurgery and brain pacemaker
  • Track 10-2Side effects of DBS
  • Track 10-3DBS-Interface of neurology and psychiatry
  • Track 10-4Neurofeedback mechanism

Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is an anxiety disorder caused by very frightening or stressful distressing events. It is estimated to affect about 1 in every 3 people who have a traumatic experience. Panic disorders, anxiety and depression are most common in person suffering from PTSD. We will be discussing about the major causes, symptoms and risk factors of PTSD such as family violence, domestic harassment and abuse or trauma.

  • Track 11-1Family violence and domestic harassment
  • Track 11-2Psychological abuse and trauma
  • Track 11-3Depression and chronic pain
  • Track 11-4Symptoms and risk factors of PTSD

Psychosis is an abnormal condition of the mind, where the person suffering loses contact with the reality. Major symptoms of psychosis are delusions and hallucinations. Psychosis is mainly triggered by other conditions like trauma, stress or other psychiatric disorders. In this particular session we will be discussing about causes, symptoms and recovery from psychosis.

  • Track 12-1Stress and psychosis
  • Track 12-2Auditory hallucinations
  • Track 12-3Recovery and psychosis
  • Track 12-4Relationships between trauma and psychosis

Psychoactive Medication often helps in treating depression, anxiety, insomnia, and other psychological complications. It does not affect the underlying causes of these disorders, but it provides symptomatic relief to allow people to live more normal lives. Most of the drugs covered in this section have numerous effects on the nervous system. Psychotropic drugs for the treatment of mental illness are dependent on the disorder for which they are prescribed. Mainly it is used as an enhancing therapy for the treatment of psychiatric disorders. Based on the data from the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey Males (4.2%) were more likely than females (2.2%) to use ADHD drugs. Females (4.5%) were more likely than males (2.0%) to use antidepressants. The goal of this session is to understand the relationship between antipsychotics and psychotherapy, role of Akt/GSK3 signaling and dopamine in the action of psychotropic drugs.

  • Track 13-1Psychoactive medication
  • Track 13-2Psychotropic medication and psychotherapy
  • Track 13-3Dopamine in antidepressant drugs
  • Track 13-4Addiction of psychoactive drugs
  • Track 13-5Akt/GSK3 signaling in the action of psychotropic drugs

Psychotherapy is often used either alone or in combination with medications to treat mental illnesses. Nowadays extraordinary advances have been made in the treatment of mental illness. Treatment methods for psychiatric disorders can be differentiated as either somatic or psychotherapeutic. We will be discussing about somatic treatments including drugs, electroconvulsive therapy, and deep brain stimulation such as Transcranial magnetic stimulation therapy on psychotherapeutic treatments including psychotherapy, behavior therapy techniques such as Dialectrical behavior therapy, hypnotherapy and mindfulness-based therapies.  

  • Track 14-1Botulinum toxin: An emerging therapeutic towards treatment of depression
  • Track 14-2Dialectrical behavior therapy
  • Track 14-3Transcranial magnetic stimulation therapy
  • Track 14-4Identification of biomarkers for early diagnosis
  • Track 14-5Implementation of mindfulness-based therapies

Geriatric psychiatry is also known as psychogeriatrics is a subspecialty of psychiatry dealing with the study, treatment, prevention of mental disorders in humans with old age. According to recent data indicate that an estimated 20.4 percent of adults aged 65 and older met criteria for a mental disorder. In this session we will be discussing about the various aspects of geriatric psychiatry, its study, prevention and treatment.

  • Track 15-1Psychogeriatrics
  • Track 15-2Old age mental disorders
  • Track 15-3Geriatric depression and treatment
  • Track 15-4Clinical geriatrics

Forensic psychiatry is a field of psychiatry which deals with the assessment and treatment of mentally disordered offenders and criminals.  It is an interface between mental health and law.  Work of forensic patients is stimulating as patients present with diverse psychopathologies and complex psycho-social difficulties. The forensic psychiatrists have to balance the needs of the individual and the risk to society.  They provide medical treatment in a secure environment or where patients are subject to legal restrictions. In this session we will be discussing about Criminological studies, recent developments in forensic psychiatry, behavioral forensic science and ethical issues in forensic psychology.

  • Track 16-1Criminal investigative psychiatry
  • Track 16-2Computational forensics
  • Track 16-3Recent developments in forensic psychiatry
  • Track 16-4Risk assesment and case studies
  • Track 16-5Ethical issues in forensic psychiatry

Emergency psychiatry is the application of psychiatry in emergency settings. The conditions requiring psychiatric interventions may include substance abuse, attempted suicide, psychosis, depression violence or other rapid changes in behavior. According to National Hospital Discharge Survey: 2010 the number of discharges with psychoses as first-listed diagnosis is 1.5 million and average length of stay for mental disorders: 7.2 days. The goal of this session is to understand various psychiatric interventions such as, depression, attempted suicide, psychosis, violence or any other rapid changes in behavior.

  • Track 17-1Prevention of psychiatric disorders
  • Track 17-2Psychiatric care
  • Track 17-3Psychiatric rehabilitation